12bet,于2002年在北京成立,是一家独立的、非营利的和非政府的研究机构。研究所的宗旨是促进和维护经济自由,12bet,组织与开展对以市场经济、宪政民主为特征的多中心秩序的理论与实践的研究,以及对国内外政府体制理论和公共政策理论与实践的研究;12BetOnline,推动与市场经济一致的公民教育与政治转型;开展中立的经济政策与经济事务、公共政策与公共事务评论,向政府和社会提供相应的政策咨询。 | Cathay
Institute for Public Affairs (CIPA) is an independent,
nonprofit and non-governmental research and educational institution.
CIPA aims to protect the freedom of the individuals in China, to
promote China’s democratic transition, and to help establish constitutional
democracy in China. CIPA functions as a driving vehicle in organizing
research, discussion and education on democratic transition and
establishment, constitutionalism, federalism, governance and democratic
culture. CIPA aims also to play a unique role in reviewing and analyzing
current public policies in China. |